This section provides the links to the resources we shared in the previous sections. We are constantly updating this page, so please send us resources you think might help others grow their initiatives.

Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- Further information about the integrated nature of the SDGs.

Getting Started
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- To get started, it’s important to understand your audience! Here is a tool to guide you through the process via a Workbook developed by the Board of Innovation. We highly recommend starting with a few interviews before you start brainstorming solutions.
- We were inspired by the MindLab. While it’s no longer in existence, this article highlights some of its lessons and key takeaways.
- If you’re looking to dive deeper, we found this book particularly helpful.
- More about the integrated nature of the SDGs.
- An interesting article about using and leveraging your convening power.

Gathering your community
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- To get started, it’s important to understand your audience! Here is a tool to guide you through the process via a Workbook developed by the Board of Innovation. We highly recommend starting with a few interviews before you start brainstorming solutions
- An article explaining more about our work, that we hope provides a useful case study and example of how we facilitated collaboration in Geneva
- A PDF to assist you with stakeholder mapping
- An interesting article on how to use and leverage convening power

Confirming your focus
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- Here is a helpful tool you can use to continue evolving your idea. It’s important to keep iterating, as we rarely come up with the best ideas first – so the more feedback, the better! Bookmark this tool to help you get started and we really recommend watching their YouTube video on how to best use the framework
- While the business model canvas is used for building companies, we also find it helpful as a way to visualise your ‘offering’. We like this video that explains how the business model canvas works
- This is a 2-page handout on identifying what makes change so difficult. Note, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the title "Barriers and Resistance to Change"

Practical Steps
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- Learn more about how to innovate with better meetings here
- Here is a comprehensive guide / tool covering integration and collaboration

Taking Action - Integration, Collaboration, Innovation
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more

Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- Here is a website we used that answers a lot of questions related to evaluation
- This is a useful scaling plan tool
- This is the Monitoring & Evaluation tool we used

How to convene around the SDGs
Please consult these links and additional resources to learn more
- We were inspired by a book called ‘Sprint’ by Jake Knapp, where he describes how innovation sprints were used to solve challenges. We modified the key principles of this book to fit our situation and timeline.
- If you’re looking for an academic paper covering these issues, we recommend this one
- We really like the creativity of this article on implementing the SDGs
- Learn more about how to innovate with better meetings here
- Here are some comprehensive guides/tools covering integration and collaboration
- What innovation actually means in the context of an SDG Lab